puppet exec path. You are misundersanding how Puppet works. puppet exec path

 You are misundersanding how Puppet workspuppet exec path  I have a script that really only needs to be run one time on a server, i

@googlegroups. This also makes it easier to read related resources, instead of the long and complicated command being used in the package resources require property here: class messy_exec_relations { exec. This isn't how Puppet works. The search path for finding init scripts. txt, for example, run:. gz. Facter attempts to load all Ruby files in the specified directories. The refresh behavior of execs is non-standard, and can be affected by the refresh and refreshonly attributes: Resource default for the exec type A resource default statement set default attribute values for a given resource type. Open a new PowerShell window to re-source your profile and make PDK available to your PATH. Paths can be specified as an array or as a ‘:’ separated list. bundle exec rake strings:generate [',,,,false. In that case, the cwd attribute is surely incorrect: , and it probably is directly responsible for the issue you observe. pp file) all execs will use that path by default, while still allowing you to add extra directories to the path where needed. Note: The Puppet Resource API is a simpler and faster way to build types and providers. Resource default for the exec type A resource default statement set default attribute values for a given resource type. bundle install--path . . '/var/lib/certs': ensure => directory; '/var/lib/certs/root. This can be one file or a directory of manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order. It is supposed to mkdir only if the location doesn't exist. I know nothing about pm2 to help you figure out why your command is taking so long. When ensure => absent, the value provided by the puppet resource will be removed from the environment variable. I am trying to install a shell script and exceute it using Puppet. Imagine an exec resource that installs 7-zip, lets call it install-7-zip. 1 Answer. 2. Since %windir% can vary across Windows agents, the easiest thing is to do use the agent's path fact: exec { 'cmd /c echo hello': path => $::path, logoutput => true. For example, this hiera. Secondly I would like to use booleans from a bash script running diff <() <(). e. Exec resource requires a fully qualified path or a path which looks like an executable. It is. com Explanation Adding a path to each and every exec is annoying, easy to forget and leads to unneeded duplication. Solution class basic_exec { exec {. The command will only run if the file doesn't exist. mojjo. g:I'm calling this file using puppet manifest. If this dot file does not exist then it tries to read . You can do this either by choosing your command carefully or by using the returns parameter. Puppet CookBook. Sorted by: 1. Refreshes the. As a result, you cannot write a single pattern that matches all the files you want to remove. Remove the default inbound security group rule for now. I have a scenario wherein i have 5 template files that needs to be copied to the puppet agent machine. I am really struggling with this logic. To expand on Matt's comment above, go to the server in question and run which pip to see pip's location (on my machine /usr/local/pip ), then append your exec command with the full path for pip, e. Data type: Boolean. 0 to 5. Since Puppet 2. The issue is, while first two are correctly executed under "user", third command is executed in. timezone=UTC -Dfile. This is because Puppet performs its own variable interpolation on quotation-mark-quoted strings, and this will replace the $2 with the relevant replacement string -- probably an empty string -- before your command even reaches the catalog, and. A regular expression (sometimes shortened to “regex” or “regexp”) is a pattern that can match some set of strings, and optionally capture parts of those strings for further use. And after that, run puppet agent with pluginsync enabled, and you can use custom type like this:. On *nix platforms, the command can be specified as an array of strings and Puppet will invoke it using the more secure method of. For Execs in particular, it follows that you must ensure that Puppet will correctly map exit status to success or failure. h ), and the sub-processes it spawns. Therefore, they should not be set outside of site. You are declaring the Desired State, and puppet takes care of getting the target machine into that. g. exec { 'foo': command => "/bin/bash -c 'source /etc/profile;. Newlines and tabs can be specified in double-quoted strings using standard escaped syntax — for a newline, and for a tab. 2. This module adds a powershell provider to the exec type, which enables exec parameters, listed. This seems like a perfect use-case for Hiera matching on facts. onlyif => "/sbin/swapon -s | /bin/grep file > /dev/null" - This step works only if there is no swap in place, but if the swap file is already created, then the step fails. txt –Value “Hello”’, logoutput => true, provider => powershell, } } The three parameters I use in this manifest are command, logoutput and provider. sudo secure_path fix. Services are referenced with display names instead of short names . New search experience powered by AI. So, when Puppet applies a catalog built from your code, it will firstly apply the Exec resource, i. Whether to manage the home directory when Puppet creates or removes the user. By placing the Exec shown above in a global location (like your site. I attempted the solution below but it throws exceptions during puppet run. The puppet code I curren. This attribute is mutually exclusive with source and target. If the file does not exist then the Exec succeeds without running /bin/true. With very small files, you can construct content strings directly in the manifest…. file only when you need the script to be triggered to run, and the exec resource has to subscribe to it. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. And i want to notify an exec resource if there is a change in any one of the template files. exe invocation as the command. How can I write a puppet code to execute this script and then take the output file and scp it to another server (in my case its the webserver). By placing the Exec shown above in a global location (like your. I have a sequence of exec in my Puppet manifest: The first one downloads ZIP file with binary (unless the binary has already been installed) and saves it to /tmp. Resource default for the exec type A resource default statement set default attribute values for a given resource type. Puppet agent is a core service that manages systems, with the help of a Puppet primary server. txt if it exists: file { "/etc/file. pp file: sudo vi lamp/manifests/init. Facter attempts to load all Ruby files in the specified directories. If contributing, this is updated with. This is a directory used by the Puppet file server. onlyif => "/sbin/swapon -s | /bin/grep file > /dev/null" - This step works only if there is no swap in place, but if the swap file is already created, then the step fails. Puppet doesn't work that way - The earlier exec will have it's onlyif condition evaluated, not execute a command, and the file resource will happen after the exec, regardless of it executing the command. I am having trouble with our puppet config. I wouldn't use puppet for a yum update, and my execs always have creates, onlyif, refreshonly or unless to ensure they only run when needed. Puppet and Windows handle directory separators and line endings in files somewhat differently, so you must be aware of the differences when you are writing manifests to manage Windows systems. tar': cwd => '/var/tmp', creates => '/var/tmp/myfile', path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin',], } See full list on puppet. This decision is something Puppet handles using conditional logic and system facts. The problem also happens to my start command which also use bundle exec: after puppet finished dea_ng::install and run dea_ng::service, the command below did not work unless I execute it manually on the client machine. Puppet tasks. (↑ Back to exec attributes) path. This setting's value must be the path to an executable command that can produce node information. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to run a python script on the agent server. So there is no such thing like file exist for some time, and then it magically disappears. By placing the Exec shown above in a global location (like your site. '/var/lib/certs': ensure => directory;. Make sure you are not subject to registry redirection or file system redirection. Writing some classes for cassandra, one of them is to align clustering settings using puppet exec etc. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. There are three main ways for an exec to be idempotent: The command itself is already idempotent. e. this is great with new version ov puppet. In particular, if you ensure the file absent then it is probably incorrect for the Exec to be triggered when the file is brouught into that state. Default: Undefined. However currently I am struggling to figure out how to do this. puppet; puppet-enterprise; Share. Puppet agent on Windows unless doesn't work how I think? 0. The "creates" stops running the exec if the file exists, you want to do that or every time puppet runs (default every 30 minutes) it'll run that command again. 1. 0 and above would look like this: exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update" } Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |> Every time a package command is executed, the dependency (in our case 'apt-update') will be triggered fist. If the line is not contained in the given file, Puppet will append the line to the end of the file to ensure the desired state. exe /c echo "hello"'. For more information, see details about file and directory locations. *puppet_stack. I'm new to using puppet, and have a master and agent server set up. Write the replacement content inside the block and it will safely replace the target file. 10. 0 a new feature "relationship syntax" was introduced. (↑ Back to exec attributes) provider Try again and this time show the failure. 2. ) The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which. By default, the file server looks through every module in the modulepath for a files directory. jar file is actually an update for an application which is running as a service. bundle exec rake dir_server:run [config/dea. Windows puppet exec command file path. txt. Instead, I have another working solution. conf depends on whether the process is running as an administrator or not. You may indeed want to specify one, such as maybe '/bin. With an empty server specification, then it gets interesting. Installing Puppet modules for use within Vagrant is also kind of a different beast entirely when you are using them with the internal Puppet provisioner for Vagrant. Write a fact to see if the service is installed and put a conditional. The following example shows you how to create resources in Puppet using the low-level types and provider method. }Maybe. Teams. 6. On the other hand onlyif in exec means:. The pwsh provider can also use the path to find the pwsh executable. exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C: est. Puppet does not support a shell provider for Windows, so if you want to execute shell built-ins (such as echo ), you must provide a complete cmd. :command String: The pre-patching command to execute:path String: The path for the command:provider String: The provider for the command; post_patch_commands. All of the exec events need to be similarly triggered by the changes in the file's content, thus they all subscribe to the file. When using cmd. txt –Value “Hello”’, logoutput => true, provider => powershell, } } The three parameters I use in this. 0. You can run tasks on a single node, on nodes identified in a static list, on nodes retrieved. I am really struggling with this logic. Replace a file, securely. file { '/var/owner => 'recurse => true, } As a matter of fact, Puppet currently cannot automatically create all parent directories. Windows services support a short name and a display name, but Puppet uses only short names. Learn more about TeamsPuppet automates away the challenges, complexity, and risk of securing and running global hybrid and cloud-native infrastructure. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force Start-Process -filepath "Remoteserverfilepathsetup. Multiple exec resources can use the same command value; Puppet only uses the resource title to ensure execs are unique. I have used exec type to accomplish this. It's much nicer to use a human readable explanation of what the command is for as the execs name and then put the actual command in the command property. 1]/returns: logout content. And 'Current session' means the current terminal session like if I execute export command, the PATH should be immediately updated. 81 1 7 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 The command string is containted within single quote marks and this is why the variable is not substitiuted. 0. puppet exec. According to many howtos this is not a problem if you are using Puppet without Foreman, since you can put it in your site. The Windows module pack is a group of modules available on the Forge curated to help you complete common Windows tasks. I wonder if it's possible in puppet (windows agent) for a variable to hold the value of a file name, then add this variable value to an exec windows cmd. Details: I want to use Vagrant and Puppet modules to setup VM with installed Redmine and some sample data loaded into it. The file type can manage normal files, directories, and symlinks; the type should be specified in the ensure attribute. 12 behavior got changed to match the intention. Of course, this is only limited to Linux environments. @maxd is right that you need to escape the $ in the command when you specify it to Puppet. 9 except the line: notify => Php5enmod ["upload_limits"], needs to be: notify => Exec ["php5enmod_upload_limits"], and then it works correctly. bash_login and if that doesn't exist either, it will look for . It should probably be php::php5enmod () and have it's own file. puppet: if one file exists then copy another file over. Q&A for work. *. 5. Next just use it e. file { '/var/owner => 'recurse => true, } As a matter of fact, Puppet currently cannot automatically create all parent directories. Expand. '". Puppet’s built-in file resource type can manage files and directories on Windows,. Applied locally, the local puppet module path is used to find the file. Visit Stack Exchange{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"modules","path":"modules","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"Puppetfile","path":"Puppetfile. Yet when I run puppet agent -td I see that the puppet agent IS executing pkill -SIGQUIT mysqld; sleep 5; systemctl restart mysqld. So you can set the path in an Exec block all you want and it won't do a thing for the rest of your blocks. If you choose to execute PowerShell scripts using Puppet’s default exec provider on Windows, you must specify the remotesigned execution policy as part of the powershell. ps1', path => $::path } Or use the Puppet supported PowerShell. Exec resources cannot set values that can be referred to by other code in the puppet manifest. Puppet is a configuration management solution that allows you to define the state of your IT infrastructure, and then automatically enforces the desired state. The command parameter is the PowerShell code you want to run on your node. 5. This mostly works for me on Puppet 4. Behavior. This mostly works for me on Puppet 4. os. Puppet exec command with variable not executed. Details on creating the $::ruby_gem_path custom fact depend on a number of factors, and in their full generality they are rather too broad for SO, but PL provides good documentation . so. Follow. Learn more about TeamsPuppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. That will run every time puppet runs. If the agent can perform the requested action at all, then it does not need sudo in order to do it, as it would be running with privilege in the first place. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, we use firewalld . Exec; Execute commands from Puppet Manifests; Globally Set Exec Paths; Nicer Exec Names; Run exec if file is missing; Control when an exec should run; Control Execs output; Services; Ensure service is running; Start service on boot; Ensure service is stopped; Don't start service on boot; Restart service when config changes; Facts and Facter. puppet: if one file exists then copy another file over. e. To post to this group, send email to puppet. Since Puppet uses the same exec resource type on both *nix and Windows systems, there are a few Windows-specific caveats to keep in mind. An example in Puppet 2. The script remaps several legacy user id's that conflict with local system users. The commands encapsulated by Exec resources are run only after a catalog is compiled. It is used to enforce property values such as owner, mode etc. Share. Use per-resource default attributes when possible. tasks — Helper files that can be called as tasks on their own. However, when I clean my /tmp and apply the manifest again, it fails because the first exec. Provides integrated testing tools. PUPPET_TEST_LOG: when set, must be an absolute path to a file. puppet agent -td -. Puppet strange behaviour of execs. refresh. Windows puppet exec command file path. I don't think there's something built into Puppet. sh test. Puppet and Windows handle directory separators and line endings in files somewhat differently, so you must be aware of the differences when you are writing manifests to manage Windows systems. I wonder if the syntax above used to work on a previous. Sorted by: 1. This is the second most commonly encountered directory. family}. The following properties are available in the mysql_grant type. 2 and 3. As used in the Puppet 5 Beginners book, a good first example of the general syntax for Puppet is the following, which simply sets a text file to “hello, world”:Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. path - Specifies the PATH variable that contains pyvenv executable. ps1', path => $::path } Or use the Puppet supported PowerShell. UPDATE: You can also try using puppet collector. If you happen to stumble upon a bug, please feel free to create a pull request with a fix (optionally with a test), and a description of the bug and how it was resolved. The update runs on the first Puppet run after you include the class, then whenever notify => Exec['apt_update'] occurs; i. 20. The search path used for command execution. Q&A for work. Your. I've followed the quick start guide and have. shell_profile which is for example . Teams. Explanation. The command will only run if the file doesn't exist. The exe path i can put mannually, now can anyone help me with what should i code in the puppet manifest file. I have a sequence of exec in my Puppet manifest: The first one downloads ZIP file with binary (unless the binary has already been installed) and saves it to /tmp. Apt – sudo apt-get install puppet-agent. Download the package for your operating system from the PDK download site. Will the wildcard * can be used in puppet resource. Resource default for the exec type A resource default statement set default attribute values for a given resource type. I am getting different errors and i was thinking on changing the approach and add those inline cmdlets into a . The pattern to search for in the process table. Puppet variables are evaluated and used (only) as part of the catalog-building process, so their values are needed before any Exec runs. exe /c type c:. All groups and messages. You need to enforce your ordering, this could be done with chaining arrows ~> or require statements:Specify a command to config a service, or a path to a manifest to do so. Default value: undef. This example specifies defaults for the exec resource type attributes path , environment , logoutput , and timeout . data files to a different existing directory on my system using puppet. –different path, and then run update-grub only if md5sum of the real menu. rb file or in the individual test files, and configure Puppet and Bolt for the testing environment. I would ask is it essential to install activemq from a Tarball? It'd probably be easier to manage as a package, such as a yum or apt install. Puppet does not support a shell provider for Windows, so if you want to execute shell built-ins (such as echo ), you must provide a complete cmd. 0. 6. ). (↑ Back to service attributes) path. Use the puppet task run command to run tasks on agent nodes. exe and specifying a file path in the command line, be sure to use backslashes. To direct output to a file named agent_debug. The module has a puppet task that allows to run yum update or yum upgrade. Problem ist, windows does not have a built-in command line tool to unzip an archive. So having Puppet do it automatically will help with that. Default is false. exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C: est. On *nix platforms, the command can be specified as an array of strings and Puppet will invoke it using the more secure method of. Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Creating resources. As this makes manifest code more. I'm really confused about this, it seems like puppet can. Hello, Puppet. This is just to show the general concept. I am poorly familiar with the puppet language but would guess something like this to execute the jar file: exec { 'jar_execution': command => 'cmd. You can't use exec resources as conditional logic for other resources like this. Now, apply the manifest with puppet apply c:\<FILE PATH>\chocolatey. It must be either a local disk path or an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL to the package. On *nix platforms, the command can be specified as an array of strings and Puppet will invoke it using the more secure method of. This module adds a powershell and pwsh provider to the exec type, which enables exec parameters, listed below. Any command in an exec resource must be able to run multiple times without causing harm --- that is, it must be idempotent. I am trying to write a puppet module, which will replace a file with source template ONLY IF this file already exists. There is another metaparameter, subscribe. I am trying to set some powershell inline cmdlets within puppet recipes in order to install other msi packages and powershell scripts. md #56 (steinbrueckri. Download and install the PDK package for Windows systems. distribute and execute scripts, and run Puppet tasks or task plans on remote systems that don’t have Puppet installed. How can I do this? Here is my sample code: exec { "executing exe file": command => 'copyfile. Visit Stack ExchangeTrying to create an autostart directory on a rpi using puppet. Puppet does not support a shell provider for Windows, so if you want to execute shell built-ins (such as echo ), you must provide a complete cmd. client. See provider/exec. exec { 'test': command => 'powershell. Defaults work with any resource type in Puppet. sh', onlyif => systemctl service_trendmicro, # which system should return. pp and put this in it;Here is the PowerShell script: The script starts by ensuring it can run without any user input and then executes the command that downloads the MS Office 2019 update from Microsoft. Default: [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ]1 Answer. txt', This command will write the following text to /tmp/output. I suspect either bash isn't installed, or it isn't in the default path. g. Puppet: How to execute a Exec resource if another Exec resource failed Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions 0Moreover, putting aliases into /etc/profile does not make them global anyway. Properties. I'm new to using puppet, and have a master and agent server set up. An example in Puppet 2. As a result, notifications are shown as a change on every Puppet run. Please refer to the Bolt documentation on how to execute a task. Any help will be appreciated. For example, command => 'cmd. All groups and messages. As @MattSchuchard implied, if you want the catalog builder to incorporate information about the current state of the target. ; Prevent Puppet from making changes, by setting the noop. For this step, we add a statement to check the operating system and run the appropriate firewall commands. How can Puppet Exec logoutput without path. How to clean up files created by Exec resources? 0. Generally, the idea to use Puppet to make sure that an update of the OS has been successfully completed is sound, at least from an academic standpoint. Shell built-ins. 2 Puppet exec not executed. Unfortunately that's not how puppet works. exe invocation as the command. lst has changed from previous puppet run or if the server version from menu. The if condition is evaluated first and, if it is true, the if code block is. crt", mode => '0644', notify => Exec ['markitrootca']; '/var/lib/certs/intermediateca. prepend. com; Forge. This consistency in code and module structure makes it easier to update and maintain the code. Here is the current code: exec { "mkdir_autostart": command =&gt; "mkdir. The Puppet language uses the backslash ( \) as an escape character in quoted strings. rb instead of including them in the individual test files. Duplication: Even though command is the namevar, Puppet allows multiple exec resources with the same command value. Note the following details in this file resource example: Puppet uses a basic syntax of type { title: }, where type is the resource type. Data type: Hash. Below is what I. The command parameter is the PowerShell code you want to run on your node. Both Service['multipathd'] and Exec["pvcreate ${device}"] will be applied after File['/etc/multipath. If /etc/init. In general linux sets the PATH environment variable by reading the dot files. one option is to use an exec resource to set the ownership using a shell glob, something like. exe invocation: exec { 'test':. Service ['x'] will be applied either way, but if the physical service is already in its target state (stopped), then Puppet won't take any. Shell built-ins. Same as insert, except Puppet will ensure the value appears first. I would like to add a number of control gates into my manifest via onlyif and unless. Default: Undefined. venv_dir - The location of the virtualenv if resource path not specified. rb in the Puppet source code. Specifying file owner, group, or mode for file-based settings is not supported on. This exec would only run if every command in the array has an exit code of 0 (success). So, in order to avoid this I am adding the refreshonly parameter as follows. If Puppet were running without privilege then sudo would not help, because Puppet would not provide a. Several resource types (including file, exec, and package) take file paths as values for various attributes. Having chosen an Exec instead, it was unnecessary to introduce sudo into the command. Puppet uses the same exec resource type on both *nix and Windows systems, and there are a few Windows-specific best practices and tips to keep in mind.